Dead Bored Posted at 11:58:00 am 1 comments (+)
I was about creating new blog to rant and it happened that I'm too lazy to create a new blog and remember the passwords and accounts is sooooooo done. To be quite effing honest I have numbers of accounts to be run. Merely for the sake of fun. And remembering different passwords each is torturing my front lobe or any parts of my brain that responsible for the long term memory.
I'm dead bored today.
I end up going here because somehow twitter is a fcking microblog. I just cannot rant all the things in 120 characters or less. I flood all the things with all random thing and I got bored suddenly (MAN!).
I know all this things started because I have my effing thesis. Why in the world I cannot just pass the university without doing this things because things getting more complicated and I'm about to jump from 125748157818 kms away from the ground since all the people keep asking me "WHEN DID YOU GRADUATE" and I was like mind your very own business dude, your prodigal daughter is pregnant without knowing who is the babies' father, you've got future triplets grand children be proud of yourself, I'll finish this thing successfully, chillax. When my parents ask me the same way I was like, chillax Dad and Mum I need your money first to finish this effing things.
But I do nothing.
I just hate myself and starting like doing imaginary what-ifs. I just keep running around without knowing my goal. I just....... uh. lazy
If you can find any lazy remover, whether a potion or a cute nail polish tell me soon I give you my number and hey probably you're single like me so we can date. K this is so random. I'm so lazy to date either LOL
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