Posted at 10:27:00 pm
So I got (again!!) in a super big fight with my mom. I know it's sooo NOT Asian, against every pillar of Confucianism etc, whatever. It's socially unacceptable by a very Asian who every single day taught we have to keep harmony of the life. Children should respect parents, parents should take care of children. Filial love. Parental love. The harmony will make a life full. Then I broke the very idea of harmony for the sake of venting my anger. I just could not take it anymore when they kept reminding me that HEY I'm a girl, and HEY it's not appropriate to not do something and should be able to do something.Like, hell?????? You're so sexist and here came the blow.
I feel bad right now I shouted at her this very morning while I was not supposed to do too much of that but of course I could not accept what against my idealism at all cost. I fight for the right thing then what's wrong?
Now I get a better time for myself. I can do whatever I feel like because I get a silent treatment hahahaha
I think it's the part I really hate back then now I cannot just wait for it. I can make money and I think it's time to move out. I can afford this 3-4 months here but NOT longer than that. I know I hate to grow up back then. But it's so millennial right? Even I might be one of the 85% of grown up who lives with their parents.
I would gladly become one of the 25% shortly afterwards.
Anyway regarding my mom (this is why I felt sorry afterwards), I think she got a hard time fighting the menopausal syndrome but then again HEY it has started like 3 years or more why she still gets her period. Then I read an article that .......it last........ until........ like years. about 4-7 years. probably more. Depending on how active my parent is. Then my mom is kind of normal housewife who is not taking exercises as daily basis....
Now I don't have more reasons to stay any further.
P.S: Believe me, if your mother have perimenopausal syndrome you just need to run over hiding beneath a hill or whatsoever. The mood swing is 100000000x horrible than PMS. Just in case, you know.